Establishing Routines- Back to School FREEBIE
That first day is so exciting, but it is SO overwhelming- for both the students and the teacher! LOL! I have shared in a previous post my first day of school lesson plans. You [...]
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That first day is so exciting, but it is SO overwhelming- for both the students and the teacher! LOL! I have shared in a previous post my first day of school lesson plans. You [...]
Taking a roomful of strangers and turning them into a family in a few months is a teacher’s specialty. There is no other profession that has to repeatedly build community and start from scratch [...]
I was talking to a teaching friend of mine. She was so frustrated with lesson planning and getting it all “in” with the short amount of time she has with students. I thought it [...]
Have you ever been teaching your place value unit and been feeling pretty good? Your kids can label the place value chart, build numbers with base ten blocks….and then things come to a screeching [...]
Do you use guided math or small group instruction during your math block? I have done whole group math with the occasional partner game sprinkled in for novelty and a more math workshop approach. [...]
Site Resources Mandy's TPT Store Math Workshop When I first began teaching (in the Dark Ages), I taught math like I was taught [...]
Geometry can be a fickle thing to teach. In some ways, it is super simple. I mean, it IS just shapes!! However, in others it can be very difficult. First of all, how in [...]
Do you celebrate Earth Day in your classroom? When I was in third grade, we tied it into our science standard of recycling. In second grade, it was not part of our science standards, so [...]