I love the first day of school. The fuzzy butterflies in my tummy, the brand new supplies, and the sweet freshly scrubbed faces…even that early wakeup call doesn’t seem so bad on the first day. Maybe on the second day, but not on the first!
I remember being VERY overwhelmed my first year of teaching- trying to figure out what was MOST important to teach, making my kids feel comfortable and safe, and just pretty much surviving. Over the years I refined the lessons until I feel I found the perfect balance of routine, security, and fun.
Here is a sneak peek at my lesson plans for the first day of school. A free, printable version of these plans are included at the bottom of this post! It is funny how I tend to keep things very similar from year to year!
Here are my lessons:
then read a book when finished. Make sure to put out a sharpened pencil on each desk and basket of books on each table group.
- Hallway
- Bathroom
- Water
- Number order
- Quiet mouse game (a game for the hallway)
- Turn off light when exiting room
Pull kids to carpet. Introduce myself and Tina (my co-teacher). Discuss mini lesson procedures for good listening, when I am reading a book, when to ask questions at a mini lesson and “knees please.”
- Knees please
- Good listener
Create a looks like/ sounds like chart for recess and lunchtime. Review cafeteria expectations and recess expectations. Make sure recess includes not sitting on tether balls, not running on red, coming when I whistle. One whistle blow means “stop/ danger.” Three whistle blows means “line up.”
Use time to practice hall, bathroom and Quiet Mouse procedures.
Early finishers will write one sentence with the prompt “This year I will…” about how they will behave.
Go over Behavior Chart and pulling sticks (my classroom management system).
Review cafeteria and bathroom procedures. Go to lunch and take a bathroom break.
11:55-12: 30
Finish person cut out and turn in. Review turn in procedures.
Specials (PE)
1:20- 1:50
Review Procedures for:
- entering room in the morning/ turn in HW and meet me at table
- where to put you lunch box
- what to do (sharpen pencils, put book bag)
- show agendas and sticker with HW
- How to hang up book bag
- Pencil sharpening
- Bathroom- how to ask and go
- Getting water
- Asking questions
- Knees please
- Give me 5
Pack up to go home!!! Read aloud our first chapter book of the year, Flat Stanley.
I always love reading this book as my first read aloud since it is a simple chapter book for second graders and is a great lead in to my first Social Studies unit, map skills.For a printable version of my lessons click on the picture below!

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website (www.mandystipsforteachers.com) and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
Love your ideas! Bookmarking so I can come back and read everyone's awesome ideas later.
Dug out last year's plans to share with my two new teammates (as in, the entire team) and I have ONE thing written…"label all books and supplies". I am a bit worried if that is really and truly the only thing we did the entire day. Oh yeah, we start tomorrow!
As always, a post that is very helpful and timeless!
Thank you for sharing this! Although I've been teaching ~30 yrs, I still get anxious about the all important First Day!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! First year teaching… this will be a HUGE help!