When I saw that Kristin and Hadar were having a party, I just had to sneak in. Kristin’s so funny. Like, spit out your drink funny. If this were real life party I would totally slip into her conversation circle with a drink in hand and nod my head trying to be as clever and cute!
I am such a groupie. I loved (and cried) through most of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II. I loved that series so much and didn’t appreciate the movie versions until I stayed at home with my little girl while on maternity leave. That’s when I discovered how great the movies were! I also loved Bridesmaids because who doesn’t love raunchy, dirty, quotable girl humor? No?
I am a huge Bones fan. I haven’t been thrilled with this season, but I still love the mystery and story lines. My newest FAVORITE show is Once Upon a Time. Ohmygoodness. Love, love, love this show. I love how all the fairy tale characters are woven together!
There is a restaurant in Atlanta called the 57th Fighter Group. It sits right along side the Dekalb airport and you can listen with headphones to the planes land. The quote the website, “from the moment guests arrive on the grounds winding past military jeeps and airplanes before entering the building resembling a European bombed out farmhouse.” The whole look is post war era and there is a dance floor that plays jazz and music from the 20-40’s. We went there for my Senior prom and I loved it then and I love it now!
Skinny Cow chocolate bars-ohmyword. Where have you been my whole life??!?!?!
My wonderfully sweet husband surprised me with tickets to go see Cavalia Odysseo for Christmas. It is like a Circ de Solieo show with horses and it was lovely. He arranged the whole thing in secret, right down to having his parents stay an extra day after Christmas to babysit. it was the first “real date” we have had since Valentine’s Day. It made me realize how much fun we have together and how I really, really need to find a babysitter I trust.
I have to like what I write? I hate going back and reading what I write. I see four million errors or HUGE details that would clarify things or what. Or even worse I think, “Did I seriously just quote Vanilla Ice in public?”
I figured out how to be a mommy. I know people say is is instinct and all that jazz. But let me tell you, I never babysit babies, I am the baby in my family, and it was NOT instinct for me. She cried a lot, just stared a lot,and only wanted my boobs all the time!!! It was like a bad date in college, but lasted for weeks!!! As she got older, she became more fun and interacted and smiled and “talked “to me and I chilled out. A lot.
Do I have to pick just one?
Isn’t she precious? This is my beautiful baby girl that is not quite a baby anymore! She will be 15 months in just a few days!
2. Favorite memory
This summer we took Kinley to the beach. I loved watching her sit in the sand and stare at the surf as it hit her legs! She loved going into the ocean with her father (I have a totally unreasonable fear of sharks. Seriously). We went with my mother and father and rented a great condo. It was tons of fun!
1. Goal for 2012
Personal goal: Start working out and eat better (along with the rest of the world). I have made myself three long term goals I started in November. First, leave work MUCH earlier. Second, work out. Third, eat better. So far I have accomplished goal one and now I am on to working out. I promised today would be the day I started and now I have a cold. I WILL do it even if I pass out.

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website (www.mandystipsforteachers.com) and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
Oh my word is your baby adorable!!! I don't know what skinny cow chocolate bars are or where to find them but it sounds like I need to know:))
4th Grade Frolics
Your baby girl is adorable!!! Thanks for sharing and congratulations on being a new mommy!!!! 🙂
Kinley is PRECIOUS! Thank you for sharing! 🙂 My baby is about to turn 10… where does the time go?
Thanks for linking up!!! 🙂
Okay, we would have a great conversation no matter where we were.
Love your honesty about being a mom – that is refreshing!!!!! REALLY!!!!
Kinley is too cute – I want to eat her up but in a non-threatening non-scary way. 🙂
You will have to post pics of this playroom when you finish it.
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
OMG! You have the cutest baby ever! I love baby fat and just want to squeeze her chubby little legs in the beach photo. Hope that doesn't creep you out! Thanks for following me and entering the giveaway. I am now following you.
2B Honey Bunch
Makes me wish my 14 and 12 year olds were babies again! Even my hubs says she is uh-dor-able!!
2B Honey Bunch
Kinley is a cutie patootie! I agree that sometimes you need to just look at your classroom because what "they" are telling you to do often is not what is best for your kiddos and what they need! I am your newest follower and would love for you to come check out my blog and grab LOTS of *freebies*!
Heather's Heart
Kinley is Uh-dorable! =) Love your pictures!
Thank you guys so much! I love her to pieces! Feel free to nom-nom her rolls. They are quickly disappearing!
Nothing beats happy baby photos! What a cutie 🙂
Learning New Words in ESL Kindergarten
Precious gifts from heaven you have. I've wanted to see any Circ de Solio show – and love horses. Someday. Visiting from linky party. Hope you can stop by.