I am going to start a feature this month of highlighting past posts on the blog.  I have so many back to school posts, that I want to make sure you guys see them and get the freebies!

This is a simple blog post, but OH SO helpful!  I hope it helps you get organized, too!


I am so very lucky. My district gives each classroom a zillion guided reading books to use in small groups.  It is a fantastic problem to have- and it can be a wee bit of a problem.

 Too many resources… cry me a river, right?

 However, all those fabulous resources have to be stored somehow.  We are given a table with has compartments to sort the books- but it is open and very visible to the eye.  Ick.

 I like my clutter and crap hidden.  It gives the illusion of organization.  Perception is reality, right? If I appear organized, people will believe I am organized (even though I haven’t filed the 8 foot pile of student work on my filing cabinet).

Instead of the table I use a piece of furniture that is like a set of cubbies with tubs.   Many people use them for supplies.  Not me, because I must be different.  Instead I sort my guided reading books into each tub.  Some tubs have one level, others have a combination of levels.  It simply depended on how many books fit in each tub.

(Please forgive the post it- I forgot to print a label!)

To make it easy to access all my books, I label each tub.  I like pretty, so I made pretty hot pink, chevron labels that pop against the blue tubs.

Jumps right out, doesn’t it!

If you would like a set of these alphabet labels, click here to download them for FREE!