This is going to be a jammed packed post! My brain is over following with things I just NEED to type and “say.” I have about 40,000 to do lists running through my head and I am so afraid I will forget something. Tell me I am not the only one like this!

 First, I think the cat is out of the bag! Teachers Pay Teachers is having their HUGE Teacher Appreciation sale starting this weekend! It is even bigger this year and is a THREE day sale! Yay! I am putting EVERY item in my store on sale for 20% off. If you use the TpT coupon code TAD12,  you will receive a total of about 28% off your total purchase!

Sign me up! I’m going shopping!

Second, I have to share a sneak peek of my latest product.  I absolutely love this pack!

I am so proud if this pack!  I actually uploaded a bare bones of this pack last year and taught it.  My kids went BANANAS.  I went back and have updated it and added more printables and tracers and master copies. If you have bought this previously- please make sure to redownload it!  I wrote the unit to keep the kids learning and engaged the last week or so of school. And to be completely honest busy and leaving me alone so I can clean, pack and do end of the year paper work. Can I actually type that!?  But best of all, the students loved it, I loved and my parents loved it!  On Sunday I intend to blog about other pirate activities we do with several freebies!  If you just can’t wait, this bad boy is now available on my Teachers Pay Teachers page for $5.  However, to be honest, I would wait until this weekend.  With all the coupon codes and my sale it will only be $3.60 if I did my math right.  Let’s keep it real here between friends!

Third, did you know you can go ahead and put things in your TpT cart NOW and then when the sale arrives hit the purchase button?  I have totally done this.  That way I have time to shop around without any pressure.  The site really bogged down last year (hopefully this will be prevented with a three day sale this year) and it made it SO much easier to just hit the purchase button!  I thought I would go ahead and share what is in my cart!
Fourth, don’t forget that TOMORROW is the BIG JACKPOT!  I am so excited to share my freebie with everyone- I think it is a good one! And I totally can’t wait to blog hop!  Eeep! Tons of good stuff!
Are you over or totally under-whelmed with all my long windedness?    All this excitement has worn me down.  Or maybe it is just Friday.  Maybe I just need chocolate to get myself through!!