Their, There, They’re …My Head Hurts!
I know that my students are so lost with the whole their, there, they're homophone debacle. Many adults are confused as well- it drives me bonkers! That and "lose" and "loose." These mistakes are like [...]
My Summer Bucket List Linky Party
I have been meaning to join up to this linky! Thank you Teri, Hadar and April for hosting it! Let's see. The most IMPORTANT thing on my bucket list is not a what, but a [...]
Randomness at the End
I don't know about you guys, but I am just about useless! We have five more days (yes- only five!). I am sick (again- I have NEVER been as sick as I have been this [...]
Quick and Easy Mother’s Day Gift
This year I was looking for a quick, easy and CHEAP Mother's Day gift. I was talking to my friend, Ms. V. and she was telling me about a project she had pinned on Pinterest. [...]
Swashbuckler Wanted!! Arrgghh!
Yesterday I shared how we added several activities to my End of Year Pirate Unit. We did several other activities BESIDES the party and the presentation/ readers theater. We also worked it into our behavior system. It worked like [...]
It’s A Pirate Party! Arrgh!
I just finished updating my End of Year Pirate Unit. I have done my best to make this an engaging cross- curricular unit. Kids are busy and I can finish up my work. It is [...]
Teacher Appreciation Jackpot FREEBIE
Today is the big JACKPOT day! I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to the many teachers that work so very hard each day. Teaching is a very difficult profession- physically and [...]
Teachers Pay Teachers Galore, What’s in My Cart and a Sneak Peek!
This is going to be a jammed packed post! My brain is over following with things I just NEED to type and "say." I have about 40,000 to do lists running through my head and [...]
Teacher Appreciation Jackpot!
Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week, and Sunday, May 6th is sure to be your lucky day! I'm excited to announce the very first Teacher Appreciation Jackpot, an amazing "blog hop" event involving over 130 [...]