Black Friday and a Cyber Monday Sale!
Starting tonight I am throwing a sale! Everything in my store is 20% off. The sale will run until Tuesday, November 29th. I was going to wait until Monday, but I am such a goober and was too [...]
Sunshine Spreading!
Denise from Yearn to Learn has honored me with my very FIRST (!) award! Thank you so much, Denise!!!! I am tickled! Here are the rules for accepting this award: 1. Thank the person who [...]
I am Thankful…for YOU! GIVEAWAY!
I am so thankful for the blogging community. I have made new friends and learned more professionally than I ever hoped for in the last few months. It has been a true blessing in my [...]
What I’m Thankful For…
I read that both Oh' Boy Fourth Grade and What the Teacher Wants are both throwing a wonderful linky party. I had to join- sometimes life feels so rushed and I forget to be so [...]
Inspired: My personal story of “The Teacher That Almost Wasn’t”
After reading Kristin's story at her HYSTERICAL blog The Teeny Tiny Teacher ,I shared my own story in her comments. When she wrote that Teaching Blog Addict was publishing her story and was actively looking [...]
Guided Reading Series Part Two : Making the Most of Teacher Observation
Shoo-wee!!!! My fingers hurt from my last guided reading post. I don't anticipate this one being any shorter! Apparently I am slightly long winded. Seriously, such a shocker. In this post I really want to [...]
Contraction Action
This week we are studying contractions- specifically contractions with will and not. We watched the Between the Lions video on contractions. I love that one! It is so cute! Click here to download. I created [...]
Guided Reading Series Part One: The Anatomy of a Lesson
TeeHee... the "anatomy" of a lesson. My inner ten year old boy is peeking out. I feel like I have wanted to type that in a blog title forever. Almost as much as I have [...]
Dictionary Skills
Hi All! A couple of years ago I made a worksheet called "Digging Through the Dictionary." After working with my group this year I am anticipating that it will not nearly be enough to practice [...]