Today has been all kinds of ground breaking for me. Okay, well that may be a *slight* exaggeration BUT I am trying lots of new things tonight! Unfortunately, I am late to a lot of parties as I am figuring out this whole computer-y thing.
My first new experience…Farley’s Currently Parties! Yahoo! I am finally on board! I could never figure out how to edit the image, but Jen over at The Teacher’s Cauldron that helped me make sense of it all!
My little girl was “reading” to her baby doll tonight. It was the sweetest thing. We actually even videotaped it (can you tell she is our first!?!). She still speaks only one word at a time and only knows a handful, but boy! She was reading something to her baby. At least in her mind.
The 3-2-1 cake is deadly. I don’t think it is *that* bad for you. Click here for the recipe. I top it with Cool Whip and a sliced strawberry. Yum! Even my hubby loves it! Wait, I just realized the author called it 1,2,3 Cake. I think I like my name better…
Farley added rules for the reading part. I am the WORST EVER at reading directions, but I think I got this one right.
I love to read aloud Poppy by Avi. It takes awhile for kids to get into, but then they LOVE it. I love to make the voices.
How I can I NOT lean on The Daily Five or Reading with Meaning? They BOTH really influenced my thoughts on reading and instruction.
The next new thing for me? I am now officially Facebooking (did you know that is a verb now? At least I declare it is, so it is!). Yep- see those nifty little round circles to the right? I just got ’em and linked ’em all up! I only have three little old likes to the page. My hubby, myself and one Cheryl Hoff Murphy! Cheryl, you made me feel like a million bucks! Thank you! I can’t complain. I literally JUST posted it! My plan is to post my own freebies that will be released exclusively FIRST to my Facebook page before TpT or even, gasp (!), here. I will also share fab finds from the web and just some stuff from daily life. I would love for you to follow!
Here are a few sneak peeks of what I am working on…

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website ( and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
I love creating stuff in PowerPoint! It's A LOT easier than Word and I love the way I can manipulate images!
🙂 Kaitlyn
Smiles and Sunshine
I love PowerPoint too and I love that you shared the link for the recipe!
A microwave cake sounds great–especially when it's this hot outside and the oven makes the whole space warm. Have fun playing around with powerpoint!
I've tried a microwave mug cake before and it…ok. I'm going ot have to try this recipe out now! It has me intrigued! And Powerpoint rocks! I resisted for quite a while, too 🙂
Rowdy in Room 300
I used to be the same way too, until I realized how much easier Powerpoint was. i love how you can fool around so much with graphics on powerpoint without it messing up the whole document. =)
I use nothing but powerpoint for my creations. It's so easy to maneuver around. I am with you with needing a pedicure. My toes look embarassingly horrible!
Learning Is Something to Treasure
aww yay for currently's!! im your newest follower drop by.. im doing an awesome giveaway!! =)
Just Wild About Teaching
That cake is yummy! And isn't Avi great?!
Krazy Town
We LOVED Poppy! And it inspired many of my readers to read other books in the series.
Chickadee Jubilee
Hi Mandy! Welcome to Currently! It's fun, isn't it?! 😉 I'm a new follower of your blog & if you come follow me as well you'll be entered for my giveaway! Bonus! 🙂
Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten
microwave cake?!?!?!
Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class
I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥
I have an owl themed classroom and I am LOVING your CAFE sign. So cute!
I am your newest follower and just started my own blog too.
Fancy Free in Fourth
Another newbie here…the title of your post caught my eye, and here I am! I am hoping to do my first Currently, so stop by and check it out. I love your creations and your enthusiasm!
I'm so proud of you! You're converting to PP AND you figured out Currently!
🙂 Abby
I just "liked" your FB page. So you have another follower there!