I will not stuff papers in my desk, spill water bottles all over my desk top, lose my pencils, lose my textbooks
…I am the teacher, I am the teacher.
Anyone else feel that way?
I am yet again facing Organization Monster. I will win (maybe)!
Want to get organized with me? Here is what you need…
- a binder (2 inch or larger)
- Post It Tabs (I got mine at Staples)
- Clear page Protectors
You will also need a few printables. For this project I printed out my free organizational binder pages. Click on the picture to snag them for FREE by liking my Facebook page.
My cutie Common Core Standards. If you would like a copy of the cutie standards, they are exclusive freebies on my Facebook page- hop over and like it to get it FREE! I have 1st- 5th grades completed!
Adorable printable calendar by Molly from Classroom Confections (only 1.75 on TpT).
Last year I tried using teacher organizational binders and they were a big step in the right direction, but after some reflecting I could have tweaked a few things to make them more efficient and effective.
So I have. Want to join me in getting started?!
This is my planning binder. It will contain all the things I need to keep track of assessments and planning (I hope).
Lesson Plans: We are required to complete out lesson plans online using the program OnCourse. I still like to print out a copy and take notes on them as needed. I am just going to print them out and hole punch them an add them here : ).
Grading: This will not be student works samples. I am thinking more like checklists and a spread sheet of student performance. We do standard based reporting on a scale of 1 (does not meet, 2 (progressing), 3 (meets), 3+ (exceeds) so will look less like a grade book and more like checklists.
Calendar- I have a copy of all my district provided calendars in this section- we have about a million!
Standards and Pacing Guides- In this section I have my super cute Common Core Standards and then this adorable pink and black calendar set by Molly from Classroom Confections. I went ahead and printed them out and dated them. My partner and I then plan for each quarter based on our student’s needs. Since I teach in a co-taught setting, sometimes our pace is a little different than the other classrooms :). I find when we actually sit and talk about what our kids needs and look at the schedule in a realistic, imperfect, chaos filled- new-activity-thrown-in way, we can actually accomplish MUCH more than the “pie in the sky” pacing guides I used to make in the past. When I took the picture I hadn’t written in August yet. I think I need a more current picture! I also included my “I Can” statements in this section as well.
Psssttt…Don’t forget to click on over to my Facebook page for a short and long vowel assessment freebie ;)! Enjoy!
Whew! I think that is it!

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website (www.mandystipsforteachers.com) and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
So organized! I made organizational binders this summer thinking I would combat the unorganized mess I have become as a first year teacher. My binders are super cute, but I am finding myself using them less and less each day! HOpefully you will be more diligent in keeping them neat than I have been!
I have a similar binder, but it's no where near this pretty. I think I have a weekend project.