So I had intended my Guided Reading series to be a four part series. The last part would be the elusive, “What ARE those other kids doing, anyways!?” But I must confess I don’t feel right posting anything because this year my students are only independent for 20 minutes maximum because we have so many adults in my room during reading time. All but 2 students get more than one guided reading group. So…when they are not in reading groups, they read.
I am a FIRM believer that kids need time to read to practice those skills were are so busily teaching them in whole group and guided reading groups. My students read books they choose from our classroom library. The books are stored in their book boxes on this large shelf. Students also have a reading binder. Inside the binder is a book log and they record what they have been reading. I let them know I expect them to record the info, but it is not for me. At the beginning of the year I discuss how it helps to know what you read so if you liked it you can find more books in the series OR by that author. I also discuss the satisfaction of knowing HOW many books you have read. For many of our students that couldn’t read when they walked in the door, this is HUGE.
Disclaimer: So the rest of the post will be based on PAST years 🙂 .
When students are not in groups another activity that they are expected to do independently is a Reading Project. These are different each week and often reflect the skill or strategy we had worked on the previous week.
Here are a couple of examples of projects we completed:
When we studied inferring, we completed these Inferring with Poetry Books. The first poem in each book is the same and we completed them as a class. The books all look the same but are differentiated by difficulty. In the bottom right corner the books are numbered: Book 1 is the easiest, Book 2 is a bit more difficult and Book 3 is grade level. I did not create any of the poems- I found them online and simply formatted them for this book : )
Another activity students did was partner read. To introduce both partner reading and independent reading, I followed The Sister’s procedures from the book The Daily Five. I can not recommend this book enough!! I explains how to CLEARLY define and model procedures for students. I loved it!
Update: If you are looking for LOTS more information about Guided Reading and organizational make sure to check out my guided reading pack, A Guide to Guided Reading. A hundred pages of guided reading goodness!

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website ( and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
Your post is clear to me! I continue to love reading your blog and posts!! Thanks for all that you do and share!
[email protected]
Thank you so much for all you share! These are really great!! I wasn't able to click on Book 1 to check it out or the front page of the flap book.
Thanks again!
Ahh! The reason they won't open is…I forgot to link them! Sorry! No more late night posting for me! : ) They *should* be fine now! Thanks for letting me know!
Mandy, who are all of these wonderful adults in your room?? Do you have parent volunteers running guided reading groups? I've been trying that this year, and it goes pretty well, until I am exhausted and don't have the time to type up 3 lessons for each half hour period! 🙂 Just curious…
Kendra at Light a Candle
Mrs. Geary,
I am really lucky. During my guided reading block there are three adults in the room: the ESOL teacher, my co-teacher and myself. I have never used parent volunteers for guided reading (although they do read with students, just not a formal guided reading lesson). I know, I am really lucky! The idea of typing my lessons up for someone else, that isn't a teacher, exhausts me jsut thinking about it! Bless you!
Thanks for these WONDERFUL resources Mandy! Are all three pictures/links of the books still the same? I keep getting book one when I open each one. Just wondering since these would be PERFECT to use with my kiddos!
Thanks a ton! Still keeping my fingers crossed for the give away – will you be posting it on TPT also?
Whew! I finally got all the poetry inferring books linked correctly (I think). They should work now! The cover pages are all the same so students do not realize how differentiated they really are! To make sure they are all different, check what the document is saving as.
Adora, I am sorry you didn't win : ( . You have left so many sweet comments. I did just list it in my TpT store for $8 so it is available. I am so sorry! : (
Whew! I finally got all the poetry inferring books linked correctly (I think). They should work now! The cover pages are all the same so students do not realize how differentiated they really are! To make sure they are all different, check what the document is saving as.
Adora, I am sorry you didn't win : ( . You have left so many sweet comments. I did just list it in my TpT store for $8 so it is available. I am so sorry! : (
Can you please contact me at [email protected]?
I wanted to ask you something :). Don't worry- it is good!
I love the questioning flipbook. I am only able to copy the cover. Is there a way I could get the inside to copy as well. Thank you!!
Misty, it only took me two months, but they are finally fixed! I am so sorry for the delay!!!
I really like your questioning activity that the students used independently. It's a great connection to questioning minilessons! Thanks for linking up!
Buzzing with Ms. B