I am afraid my blogging this week will be sparse. I am on Spring Break this week and I am loving every.single.minute. I have a couple of things to catch up on. First , I joined the linky party at Mrs. Fultz’s Corner showing off my classroom.
Here is the description from my store:
- The first game is a matching game. Students match the tops and bottoms of cupcakes to create a compound word. Students then record the compound words on a recording sheet.
- The second game is a simple activity that would best work with white boards. Students draw cards and one partner tells the other partner the word to write, and then the partner checks his or her work. Simple, but engaging due to those white boards!
- The third game is Compound Word Puzzles. Students match the two words that create a compound word. The pieces will fit together just like puzzle pieces.
- The last game is a concentration game matching two words to create a compound word. There is a recording sheet to practice spelling and writing the compound words.
- These games are perfect as partner activities!
It is for sale at my store for $4.00! Click here to check it out!
Normally I give away each product as I make it, but since I have several up my sleeve I am thinking of just doing a big give away at the end of the week to celebrate a relaxing Spring Break. Sound good?
Now, as I am writing these products, I always write them first for myself since I use them/ have used them in the classroom. Then I try to clarify anything since I know others will be using them. Some of my products have my lesson plans in them and others are just a packet of activities. Do people actually WANT the lesson plans or are they just unnecessary? I write them like I would for my administration (pretty rigorous- Essential Question, hook, teaching with practice and a summary) but is this necessary? I ask because I am writing two new units and I didn’t know if people actually want to see this kind of stuff….
Any input is much appreciated!

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website (www.mandystipsforteachers.com) and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
Yes! I so appreciate lesson plans included. I wish more sellers would do that. Sometimes I buy something and would appreciate ideas on ways to use it. Hope this helps.
I heard about your blog through the Teaching Tales and now I am a follower. I love your blog and I love the Major Giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
Jodi Ruiz
[email protected]