The one thing I *HATE* about the first few weeks of school is that kids don’t know how things operate in my classroom. It sounds all bad and bossy, but man! It all goes so much smoother if we all just follow the plan. When kids learn and get procedures, it is just like things click into place.
So today we are going to focus on just that- procedures.
I posted my first day of school lessons and you may have noticed that I really embedded the teaching of several procedures into the day. I think it makes things easier and more meaningful for kids.
One of the FIRST procedures I teach is where is the bathroom and how to ask to go. I go over this pretty much as soon as the bell rings. Can you imagine being in a setting where you don’t know the rules for basic bodily functions? Shudder.
Then I share where the Kleenex and water fountain procedures as well. This is a good time to throw in the time for lunch and snack, too. Get those basics knocked out first thing!!
Over the last few years I have been adding to the list of procedures that I teach at the beginning of the year and I refer to it each and every year. Usually I keep a clipboard with my lessons, how kids go home form, and the procedure list. I check them off as we go over them!

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website ( and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
This looks amazing! Thank you so much for all the work you put into it and making it available. I have downloaded it and I plan to use it.
How can I download this?
If you click on the picture, you can download it! 🙂
This sheet is perfect and includes everything you can't think of when it's the crazy first day of school! Love it. Have you thought about doing this linky again?
Thanks for creating!
Thank you so much for this! As a Special Education teacher, this is a gem!!
Thank you! I truly appreciate you sharing this.
Thank you! This is a great help to those crazy first days of school!
Fabulous! Have a great school year– but not yet!!
Love it, Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much Ms. Mandy! I have been searching for something like this to make sure I don't forget anything!
Thank you so much Ms. Mandy! I have been searching for something like this to make sure I don't forget anything!
Thank you! I'm a 1st year teacher and had no clue where to begin!
This is great! I will use it every year. FYI: there's a typo on: How to use you(r) assignment book and I was wondering about the "earning tickets or good behavior". Is it supposed to be (for)?
Oh no! It is supposed to be your and for! Eek!
Thank you!