I know that my students are so lost with the whole their, there, they’re homophone debacle. Many adults are confused as well- it drives me bonkers! That and “lose” and “loose.” These mistakes are like nails on a chalkboard to me. It is really ironic since I am a crappy typist and make errors ALL the time. Hmmmm…this my be a personal flaw of mine!
Anyhow, I made this super cute (I’m a little biased) center to practice this with my kids next year.
The purpose of this 19 page packet is for students to practice using the tricky homophones there, their, and they’re. I created this to be a reading station in my classroom. Students complete the worksheet and can then play sort the cards under the correct headers with partners or independently. A second game, They’re on Their Farm Homophones Concentration, is also included for partners. If groups are uneven or students are waiting for partners to finish, individual students can play a matching game with the concentration cards.
This packet includes several activities:
*Directions for a They’re on Their Farm Homophones Concentration game for two or more players
*Matching homophones cards and directions for one player
*Direction for They’re on Their Farm Sorting Activity that requires students to sort sentences with blanks under the correct homophone header.
*Sorting cards and headers
*Independent They’re on Their Farm worksheet that practices identifying the correct homophone their, there, or they’re. An answer key is provided.
*Answer keys for both games
*Their, There, They’re homophones poster for display
and….I am doing a GIVE AWAY!! Two lucky winners will win the center above. Please leave a comment below to enter. I would love you to be a follower, too!
I will choose two winners using a random number generator on Monday, May 21st!
I don’t want to share because I am selfish but I also have a huge Jimminy Cricket on my shoulder. Dang bugs.
Britney at Mrs. V.’s Adventures in Teaching is doing a give way, too! It is a super cute evens and odds pack for the fall. It will be perfect for my little second graders (way too excited about changing grades). Hop on over there to enter.
And here is another super give away (my selfish inner goddess is kicking me- eep! I just typed that!) Lisa over at Learning is a Treasure is giving away not one but TWO $25 gift certificates! Holy cow! I totally entered! Click here to enter! I am a new follower and her blog looks super cute- can’t wait for the beach paragraph freebie!
So I have been mulling around an idea around. I am thinking about offering my followers a nice bonus for all their TpT support. I was thinking for a limited time offering followers a free item for following my blog and purchasing from my store. It would be simple- buy something and then email me. I would then email the freebie. The freebie would only be available as the gift and after the limited time, I would list it. It will most likely be an item I have NOT sold before (I would hate for buyers to feel shafted). If I got REAL sparky it would be a choice of a math or reading freebie since some people departmentalize… But that would be the cart before the horse. Or the cart before the horse before getting a farm if you follow my drift.
Now, TpT promo over- I will try to stick to other topics in my new few posts so I avoid sounding like an advertisement!

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website (www.mandystipsforteachers.com) and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
I would love to win this pack. It looks awesome 🙂 Thanks for the chance. I am a follower as well.
My (Not So) Elementary Life
I follow your awesome blog also! Your pack looks great!!
I am also having a big TPT giveaway over at my blog…come and check it out! 🙂
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Looks like a fabulous activity! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Lori ([email protected])
Teaching With Love and Laughter
Looks like a fabulous resource! My kiddos need this before going to 3rd grade.
[email protected]
I'd love to win this resource 🙂
[email protected]
I'd love to win this! (and of course I follow you!)
Fun in Room 4B
Looks great!
[email protected]
THERE are many great goodies in this pack. My students really want this to be THEIR work next week. THEY'RE lucky I discovered your blog!
tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com
Love this pack and duh, I follow you!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
What a terrific pack! Love it and Love your blog. 🙂
I would love this for next year! It looks so cute.
I will be teaching grammar and spelling next year and would love to win this package.
[email protected]
I would love to win your fabulous pack!
I would love to win this pack. I'm switching grades next year and am needing some new materials.
i'm def a follower and this pack would be very helpful :o)
[email protected]
I am a follower and love your materials. I would love to win these homophone materials.
Eye wood love to when this homophone pack. Eye like ewe am often puzzled and even sumtimes annoyed win others misuse there homophones. 🙂
Seriously though it looks like a great pack that I would love to have the chance to use with my students next year! Thanks so much for creating it and then providing us a chance to win.
Oops, I forgot to mention that I am a follower of your blog.
I'm a new follower of your blog! Just stopping by from the giveaway at A Teacher's Treasure!
Joni @ Kinderkidsfun.blogspot.com
My students get these confused all the time. I've added it to the grammar lessons for next year.
I follow you and would love to win! Another great product 🙂
[email protected]
There seems to be so many people leaving their comments that they're showing up in my dreams. Couldn't resist!! I love your newest product. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
I would love to win this pack!
[email protected]
Oh GOSH…I was just correcting writing assignments and was freaking out at how many times there was used incorrectly. This would be awesome!
Kids will always need practice with commonly confused words. Thank you for putting so much time into creating meaningful activities AND giving it away for free. I am following your blog. Stop by sometime.
You're on my blog roll. When do they master their/there/they're??? My 4th graders still struggle with it.
and just in case I win 🙂
[email protected]
I follow your blog and would love to win. [email protected]
I hear ya! Have taught 4th grade for 16 years and they still struggle with it! Moving to 3rd so this might be a great way to start if off!
[email protected]
Love your ideas! So creative! I would love to win.
[email protected]
Ooo . . . I very much want your fabulous "there" pack. You can't review this concept too many times. 🙂 I was following you awhile ago. 🙂
I Want to be a Super Teacher
My e-mail is [email protected]
Sorry for the 2 comments.
You packet looks really cute. I found you through another blog and I love your ideas.
Awesome Blog, I am a new follower. You have some great stuff on here.
I am a follower of your blog and I would love to win this pack. You are very creative. I am sad to see that you are moving to second grade.
I hope it's not too late!
[email protected]
My kids can never spell these correctly!
[email protected]
This skill is so tricky for so many of my third grade students. I would love to have this!
[email protected]
Pick me! [email protected]
Oh my stars…this would be so awesome! [email protected]