It is Thursday again and that means it is time for…
Today’s Dollar Store center is a an easy one! It is all about the puzzles! I found several cheap puzzels at the Dollar Tree.
For the cardboard preschool puzzles I wrote a problem on the piece and then an answer where the piece belongs.
Very easy and fun, too! This center is a great way to practice basic facts like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division facts!
I also found some very simple foam puzzles with numbered pieces. The Dollar Tree had Minnie Mouse and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles puzzles.
Here is the Minnie Mouse puzzle.
On the back of the piece I wrote a number sentence using that number. For example the pieces that are turned over have an 8 and a 4 on it. I wrote number sentences to show different combinations of 10 and highlight the commutative property.
I made the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle puzzle slightly different.
I still made number sentences highlighting combinations of ten and the commutative property. However, the difference is how I used the pieces. The number on the front face of the piece is the answer. For example for the piece that is turned over it has a 4 on the front with a Turtle.
Lots of bang for $3! Students can record their work on these sheets.
Now for the second part of Thrifty Thursday…it is sale time! I have been productive lately and was able to finish TWO products. I decided to post both of them because they are so grade specific.
The first product is a set of word list assessment to assess EVERY Common Core Standard for the Phonics and Word Recognition strand in Foundational Skills section for second grade.
These assessments were created to address the Common Core Reading Foundational Skills standards that fall under the area of Phonics and Word Recognition.
Included in this packet are:
-6 word lists
•Short and Long Vowel One Syllable Words
•Additional Vowel Teams
•Regularly Spelled Two-Syllable Long Vowel Words
•Second Grade Irregularly Spelled Words
•Common Prefixes and Suffixes
•Inconsistent But Common Spelling-Sound Correspondences
-A matching teacher recording sheet
-An end of year master assessment that includes 12 words from each list with a matching teacher record sheet
When I created this pack I wanted one-on-one assessments that would be quick for the teacher to use to assess an entire class. Teachers can choose to assess one standard at a time using the individual word lists or can assess several standards using the end of year master assessment.
It will be listed for $4.00, but for the next 24 hours it will be 50% off for only $2.00!
Now the next item I am listing is geared for the upper grades. I wrote this supplemental pack to specifically meet the Georgia Performance Standards for third grade. It is materials to supplement a study of Paul Revere.
This packet was created to supplement
your curriculum for teaching about the Georgia historical figure, Paul
Revere. Items included in this packet
your curriculum for teaching about the Georgia historical figure, Paul
Revere. Items included in this packet
Paul Revere Vocabulary Flip Flap
Students learn and practice 6 vocabulary words.
Students can either copy the definitions or cut and paste the
definitions into the foldable.
Students learn and practice 6 vocabulary words.
Students can either copy the definitions or cut and paste the
definitions into the foldable.
Vocabulary Games- Two different vocabulary games to
practice the 6 terms.
practice the 6 terms.
Paul Revere Circle Map- Graphic organizer to activate prior
knowledge. Add new learning to the graphic organizer throughout the unit.
knowledge. Add new learning to the graphic organizer throughout the unit.
The Life of Paul Revere Book-A 11 page book that covers the life of Paul Revere from childhood to his legacy. This book includes several cut and paste
activities that support reading skills such as asking and answering questions, sequencing, cause and effect, using text features, and main
idea. An answer key is included for each page.
In my class, I print the pages as a booklet and staple the pages together.
activities that support reading skills such as asking and answering questions, sequencing, cause and effect, using text features, and main
idea. An answer key is included for each page.
In my class, I print the pages as a booklet and staple the pages together.
Contributions and Character Traits
Flip Flap Book-
This is a two flap book that gives students additional exposure to the terms
diligence and liberty. Students create
the flip flap book and copy the definition of each word and then match examples
of how Paul Revere exhibited each
trait. An answer key is included.
Flip Flap Book-
This is a two flap book that gives students additional exposure to the terms
diligence and liberty. Students create
the flip flap book and copy the definition of each word and then match examples
of how Paul Revere exhibited each
trait. An answer key is included.
Paper Doll Paul- Students create a paper doll of Paul Revere and write what he
might have thought, said, did, and where he went.
might have thought, said, did, and where he went.
What’s the Big Idea, Paul?- This is a graphic organizer that
highlights the most important information from the standards.
highlights the most important information from the standards.
Paul-O- A game similar to Bingo. Four different student boards are provided.
Paul Revere Tri-Horn Hat- Students create a tri-horn hat craft reviewing
what has been learned about Paul Revere.
what has been learned about Paul Revere.
Assessments-. A
matching vocabulary assessment and open answer assessment about Paul
Revere. Answer keys are included.
matching vocabulary assessment and open answer assessment about Paul
Revere. Answer keys are included.
Click here for this great pack of FREE math centers, plus get tips and updates from me!

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website ( and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
I love the puzzle ideas! I'm totally doing that. Fun!