Part One: Measuring to the Nearest 1/4 Inch
I am not sure about you, but there are always a few things I love teaching...and a few things that I dread. Well, measurement takes the cake, because it makes me want to stab my [...]
Differentiated Multiplication Word Problems- Give Away WINNER
source I am so sorry this has taken so long! Now it is time to announce winners of the Differentiated Multiplication Word Problems book! A big drum roll... Congratulations to Amanda Estrada and Suzy Q! [...]
Read Across America Day Research Project
Updated Post: I removed this Dr Seuss Research Project from Teachers Pay Teachers because I was afraid I was (unintentionally) infringing on copyright. Dr Seuss and Read Across America are even trademarked words so I don't think they can [...]
200 Followers Big Give Away Winners!
source I am so tickled at how many new followers have joined this blog! Thank you so much and welcome everyone! Now it is time to announce the BIG winners! Two people will win everything [...]
Sneak Preview and Give Away Updates
Ummm...why hello there! I had no idea that when I did this give away that a bunch of people would join the bandwagon and become followers! Yay! Welcome! Welcome! Thank you so much! If you [...]
Yahoo! 200 Followers! Give Away and FREE STUFF!
Yay! This lil' old blog of mine finally hit 200 followers! That is a big deal to me! Thank you so much! I have been racking my brain to figure out how I want to [...]
I Don’t Like the Way Crow Tastes
Today I received a comment on one of my Teachers Pay Teachers products. While the comment was very nice and constructive, it still hurt my feelings (I am a wee bit sensitive that way). Unfortunately, [...]
Differentiated Multiplication Word Problems- Give Away!
I am finally finished!!!!!!!!!! I have completed my differentiated-single-digit- multiplication-word-problems-book (was that enough of a mouthful for you?). I posted a sneak preview of it earlier. Here is a recap if you missed it: This [...]
Adorable Valentine’s Day Gift for Students
I had a colleague request a cute little tag for a Valentine's Day gift for her students. Her original idea was to include some Graham crackers, mini marshmallows and snack size Hershey bars. Then she [...]