I have zero self control. Seriously. My impulsive spending is a big ol’ downfall of mine. Thank goodness my hubby is a whiz at money and manages it for me. Otherwise, I would be living in a cardboard box with a really great, expensive clothes.
I am on a mission to get ready for NEXT school year before this one ends. I really, really want to enjoy as much of my summer with my baby girl as possible. To do that, I need to get my act together!
Now, what does my fiscal irresponsibility and preparing for the 2012-2013 school year have in common? I went shopping for next year! Yay me!
Now please keep in mind that I am TOTALLY stoked to be teaching second this year and felt I needed to “freshen things up” since the last time I was in second grade (holy cow- was that 4 years ago?!?!!). I also had my little 19 month old girl shopping with me. Bright, colorful packages and fun looking toys= a very grabby toddler.
So I grabbed everything quickly and piled it on my stroller and went to town. Somehow Kinley ended up with a new CD of music and finger plays and three wooden peg puzzles. It it a sickness, I tell you!
So what did I get? Some Poppin’ Dots, baby. This is my FAVORITE print or pattern. I tend to stick to simple patterns or plain boarders to avoid distractions, but this stuff was too cute!
I got:
- Poppin’ Dots calendar set (but I don’t like the yellow as much so I may not keep this. I can’t decide)
- Tree bulletin board set ( we will put this up when we study the seasons and then in the spring with life cycles we will make caterpillars, cocoons and butterflies to display on the tree)
- number line (need one badly)
- Poppin’ Dots border
- Poppin’ Dots name plates ( for labeling things- not for desk name tags)
- Poppin’ Dots name tags (again, for labeling)
- Poppin’ Dots chart- you know the one that is like a table/ checklist (I have no idea what I will use this for- but I know I will somehow!)
- Poppin’ Dots frames (I put where we are in the building like PE, Recess, Library, etc on a ring and hand it from a 3m hook outside the classroom door so people can find us. I will write the place on the cutie frame!
- Black and white polka dot border
- Welcome to ___ Grade! sign ( for the door display)
- Black border ( I just like it)
- Reference name plates with the number line and so on for the student’s desks.
- Library pockets (I will make a poster with the pockets for out behavior system
- birthday cupcakes to display birthdays ( these were TOO cute!)
See? No self control- but I love it all!
A few weeks ago I bought some twin flat sheets at Wal-Mart in a coral color and a turquoise color. I am hoping it matches with the borders. I think it will.
My plan is to go ahead and laminate everything and start cutting it out. That way I can go ahead and put up all my bulletin boards (3) before I leave for the summer. I will cover them up with a sheet to keep dust off.
Melissa Freshwater displayed this organization system and I am in LOVE! I think I will buy a few bins and then label them with the Poppin’ Dots name plates. Gah. And her new supply labels? Decisions, decisions. Hand write on my cute frames or print hers out? I wish all decisions were this fun!!!!!!
I noticed this fantastic piece of furniture on someones blog, but I can’t remember who it was!!! It is $40 at Ikea.

Mandy Gregory is a 2007 and 2012 Teacher of the Year. She has taught Kindergarten- 4th grades in both the general education and inclusion settings. She is currently a 1st grade Special Education teacher. She is the owner and creator of Mandy’s Tips for Teachers website (www.mandystipsforteachers.com) and has over 13 years of teaching experience. She is married with two beautiful children.
LOL! When I first started reading this, I thought that maybe I had written it! It sounded just like me! I, too, went to the store yesterday and picked up my border, posters, etc. that I want to use for next year! I am well on my way to getting set up for the fall!
😀 Angie
I already bought the exact same border! Love the colors!
[email protected]
I love to buy new school supplies!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
I'm so excited you're going back to 2nd grade! I first found your website about 4 years ago and I just loved it. You have no idea how much you helped me organize and set up my classrooms over the years. Seriously, I owe you big time, Mandy Gregory! I was so glad to see that you had started this blog as well. I hope you get everything you want to accomplish done before the end of the year and have a wonderful summer! And I really hope you post more about your new room next year!
(P.S. I've had that same border for the last two years, and I love it, it looks great with solid blues, purples and greens, and black, of course!)
I love your borders!
I have the same number line. 🙂
I didn't know you were going to 2nd, I'm sorry I missed that!! I've been so behind in blog reading.
I love, love, love everything you bought! Those flat sheets sound like they will be the perfect colors to match–I can't wait to see it all together!
I have almost everything you have pictured! Same taste 🙂
Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog
My TpT Store
I feel your pain. Those teacher stores are dangerous! Love your blog!
I Want to be a Super Teacher
Thank you for the awesome shout out!!I used the CTP poppin' dots my first year!!! LOVE THEM. Heck, who am I kidding, I love anything with dots.
Mrs. Freshwater's Class