Back to School Freebie: End of the Week Treat
I had posted earlier about an idea I found online here. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use the labels I had planned due to severe allergies in my classroom. Instead of the yummy ding dong [...]
Back to School Freebie: Guess Who?
I found this idea in the Really Good Stuff catalogue and modified it to fit my classroom. This is a "Guess Who" activity that will go out in the hall to display for the first [...]
Day Three of Organization Week: Guided Math
Today I am going to write a quickie post about how I am organizing guided math this year. I found and adapted this idea somewhere on Proteacher, but I am not sure of the original [...]
Organization Week: Schedule Cards and File Organization
Today's freebie will be how to present your daily schedule. In my classroom I use a long, blue schedule pocket chart. It is hot glued to the side of a bookcase. It originally held schedule [...]
Organization Week! A Week of Organizational Freebies!
I have declared this week "Organizational Week!" You know...because I am so organized I am starting this on Tuesday. Whoops. But, that's okay because there are freebies in this post! Today's focus will be spelling [...]
Meet the Teacher Monday
So...there is this whole linky party thingie at Blog Hoppin' and I thought I would give this whole party shindig a try. We will see how it goes. I am pretty much the world's most [...]
First Week of School!!!!
How in the world is Monday the first day of school? Where did my summer time go? In my head it feels like I will be back to my summer-time-love-on-baby-schedule after last week's blip of [...]
First Week of School Treat
Today was my first day back to school! This week is our preplanning and students will arrive next Monday. The summer FLEW by, but I am ready for a routine and a brand new year! [...]
Super Cute Polka Dot Borders
Karen at PreKinders has created these SUPER CUTE polka dot borders for FREE download at Teachers Pay Teachers. I loved that she included all colors and shapes and sizes of frames. Check out the borders! [...]