Winter Wonderland of Freebies!
I am excited! Today I am participating in my VERY first Facebook hop! I have downloaded and collected the goodies from hop, but have never been a part of one myself! Squee! I hope it [...]
Throw Back Thursday Post: Gingerbread Fred
Follow my blog with Bloglovin This is an old post but is so perfect for the season. I think you will love Gingerbread Fred! ****** I have to share the adorable-ness (is that even a [...]
Party Planning Part 2
Yesterday I shared how I get organized for our party. I thought today I would share the actual activities we do for the celebration. After we eat breakfast we break out the fun. Generally, we [...]
It’s That Time of Year..Are You Prepared???
I will answer that for myself... NO. I was never prepared. I was always SHOCKED that it was time for the holiday party! With collecting the last bit of grades, filling out report cards, making [...]
Snowman Gift Craftivity FREEBIE
Have you guys seen the new ebook book filled with wonderful freebies? TONS of winter themed freebies were collected and organized into book format by the wonderful Hilary Lewis of Rockin' Teacher Materials. I was thrilled when [...]
Santa Sack FREEBIE Available for a LIMITED TIME only!
Hey guys! I got to make this quick! It is night-night time at the Gregory's house. It's about to get real. BAD NEWS: I ran out of time and will not be publishing my December [...]
It’s Beginning to Sound a Lot Like…
Watch out Black Friday, Cyber Monday (and Tuesday at TpT) are almost here! I actually went all crazy with my husband and braved the crowds on Black Friday. My parents came over and it was [...]
Thankful Tuesday/Wednesday Winner! And a NEW Giveaway!
Well, I was doing so well actually getting these give aways posted on Tuesdays and then, BAM! I fell apart yesterday. I have no idea why. I just forgot. What day is it again!?!?!? So [...]
Thankful Tuesday: Home and Family
Yay! Another giveaway time! But first, let's celebrate the winner of a $50 Gift Card to Amazon and the choice of either a Math or ELA Common Core Connections book. And the winner is..... Yahooo! [...]