Noah Sent His Ark- and a Big Announcement!
I have been so missing in action lately! I had wonderful intentions to blog over Spring Break. I cleaned out almost every closet on the second floor of our house, cleaned out most of the [...]
Comparing and Contrasting
The new second grade Common Core Standards states that students "Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures. (CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.9 ). While the Venn diagram is certainly a way [...]
Spring Cleaning Sale!
I am joining up with several other bloggers for a Spring Cleaning Sale! The fantastic Krista Wallden created the adorable button! Everything in my store will be 20% off March 30-31st! There are several other sellers participating, [...]
Testing Recap
I am so very, very grateful to have moved out of third grade (a testing year) back down to second grade (NOT a testing year!). The pressure on students AND teachers in testing grades is absolutely ridiculous. (source) [...]
A New View
I don't know about you, but I LOVE checking out other teacher's classrooms I love looking for new arrangement and display ideas and just plain smart ways to use space. As a result, I have photographed my classroom almost every year. [...]
Blogging: Getting Organized
Chasing after a two year old, teaching full time (in a relatively new grade level- a return after an absence!), and being pregnant have made my organizational skills not so hot. As in in a BIG, [...]
Geometric Shapes Bingo!
We are about done with the third nine weeks. Where did the time go?! This year is FLYING by! Geometry is one of the standards for this quarter and I wanted to review it with [...]
Fact and Opinion Freebie!
We have been learning all about opinion writing. I felt before we could even start writing our opinions...we really needed to know what an opinion was! So we created a t-chart defining a fact and [...]
Reorganizing Math Workshop: Part 345
I feel like I have organized, restructured, and tried about 1,000 new systems. It is just one of those years! We decided to reorganize our math block (again) to better meet the needs of our kiddos. Since I co-teach in an [...]