I Had a Date
An absolutely fabulous week long date...with a mouse. This mouse to be specific. We spent a week in Orlando and spent most of our time in the amusement parks. We took my 20 month old (how did my baby [...]
Summer Organization
I am using this summer to get myself organized. I have this great plan. I have no idea if I will ever get said plan off the ground, but there is a plan. I wanted to come [...]
Stick a Fork in Me.
My summer has OFFICIALLY started! Yahoo!! I have done absolutely nothing today but sleep. I sent my poor baby girl to day care for the rest of this week and next and intend on painting [...]
Added to…
I hope you are enjoying this FABULOUS three day weekend! The weather is BEAUTIFUL at my house today. Perfect day to drag out the finger paints and strip my baby girl down to her diaper [...]
Memorial Day Sale!!!
Yay! To celebrate the extra long and much needed three day weekend I am throwing a SALE! Everything in my store will be 20% of Sunday, May 27th through Monday , May 28th! Several other [...]
End of the School Year Piles of Paperwork
Piles and piles of crap are on my table at this point in the school year. The worst part? Most of it I am either a.) in the middle of completing or b.) have no [...]
Homophones WINNER!
Congrats to the winners of my newest TpT project, They're on Their Farm Homophones Center! and the winners are..... If you did not win, I am so sorry :(. Luckily it is available in my store for [...]
The End is Near! The End is Near!
Thank heavens it is the end of the year as we know it. And I totally feel fine. This is my last week of school! Hallelujah! I posted earlier about not having my students move my classroom. [...]
I Have No Self Control
I have zero self control. Seriously. My impulsive spending is a big ol' downfall of mine. Thank goodness my hubby is a whiz at money and manages it for me. Otherwise, I would be living [...]