Main Idea and Stuff Like That
I just started working with a child once a week. It is great to get my toes back in the water and work with kids, but not the classroom and all the paper work glory. [...]
Geometry Goodies
Do you struggle with geometry as much as I did? I shared earlier lots of the hands on activities that we did, but it still never "clicked." In the past my students have really struggled [...]
Historical People Pockets
I have been working hard on a series called Historical People Pockets since the fall. It focuses on the nine figures studied in Georgia in third grade. I created a pack perfect for interactive notebooking, [...]
Bright Idea: Organizing Incoming Papers from Students
I bet you guys collected a TON of awesome ideas with the last Bright Ideas Blog Hop! I LOVED reading all the creativity and sheer brilliance in all these classrooms! I am so excited [...]
Bright Idea: Keep Em’ Learning in the Hall!
I am so tickled to be teaming up with over ONE HUNDRED other bloggers to share new, bright ideas! If you click on through this blog hop, you will collect 100 new ideas and tips [...]
Teaching Informational Writing
I think Mother Nature is confused. This is Georgia, people. I took this picture from my front porch earlier this afternoon. I think we have between 2-3 inches (please don't laugh at us, seasoned weather [...]
Celebrating Reading with Author Research
A few years ago I created (in my opinion) a really neat research project all about that famous Doctor guy that has a cat that sometimes wear a hat? Do you know the one I [...]
Suggested List of Famous Authors and Websites for Research
Below is a list of suggested authors and websites for students to use while researching. Please make sure to practice internet safety and double check ALL websites prior to allowing students to use them. David [...]
Geometry Round Up!
I love living in the warm and sunny south. Wait up, what did you say? Check the weather? I think that temperature is missing some numbers... Five. That little five needs a friend. Like, say [...]